Seniors Open House Alert

If you are looking to downsize to a senior’s home, you will want to Save this Date!!! Multiple residences are holding an Open House The weekend of September 22nd & 23rd.  Please let them know we sent you and if you have any questions, concerns or need help through this process please don’t hesitate to contact us!

–   The Williamsburg by Revera, 1893 Appleby Line Sept 22nd 1-4pm

–   Appleby Place by Revera, 500 Appleby Line Sept 22nd 1-4pm

–   Chartwell Lakeshore, 5314 Lakeshore Road Sept 22 1-4pm

–   Chartwell Christopher Terr, 3131 New St, Sept 22 1-4pm

–   LaSalle Park Retirement, 18 Plains Rd West, Sept 22nd 11am-3pm

–   Pearl & Pine, 390 Pearl St, Sept 22nd & 23rd 2-4pm

–   Chartwell Martha’s Landing, 2109 Lakeshore Rd, Sept 22nd 1-4pm